november 22, 2001.

the lost, sick entry

Head cold confirmed. I am miserably sick, so sick that I had to leave school right after lunch. I'm a snivelling, aching, snotty mess; dry-lipped and tousled and pasty. I was determined to do the whole day and then unwind with yoga, but I simply couldn't concentrate on anything during 5th, which meant that I wasn't learning a bloody thing & should go home and get better. (Last night was a treat: surprise presentation for the central board, equalling 1 ½ hours of nose-blowing through church business. I was touched by Rev Robyn's concern...she offered me her secret minister gum & stopped talking in the middle of a presentation to fuss over me verbally. It was very sweet.)

My biggest challenge, if you take the viruses out of the mix, is figuring out which students are misbehaving, which have learning disabilities, which are diagnosed with LD's and which are simply fine. Trust me, this is a big deal.


no history exists for tonight. go make your own!