november 21, 2001.

Five minutes to departure.

I think I'm getting a head cold. Admittedly, it's hard to tell with all the sneezing I do in an average day, but I think I can pick out a virus against the background of allergies. It's the tightness in my throat, the slight queasiness, the constantly running nose that hardly ever sneezes. Now that I'm in an environment of hundreds, I'm sure there's some fabulous new germ floating around my system that I successfully withstood a few years and thousands of mutations ago. Bah.

Teaching started yesterday with a Social Studies lesson about food production in the Annapolis Valley. I can now tell you 3 good reasons why blueberries are such an important crop, should you want to know such information.

Whoops! Gotta go.



I'm sick. I'm sick & it's ironic, but only in the Alanis Morisette sense of the word. Do I ever get sick during the school year when my schedule is flexible? Noooo. I save it all up for when I can't take a bloody day off, on the year when I have to be happy & enthusiastic & all that crap. And I would be, I really would be joyous & helpful & bright, if my entire world hadn't shrunk to my ears, nose & throat. Ugh. I have that nauseous feeling one gets when every swallow of saliva is accompanied by some quantity of snot. Hey, there's tons of it...gotta go somewhere.

Next week: PDR, English, Social Studies. This week: feeling sorry for myself.


this time 2 years ago: "I don't want to go out with that girl. But I would like to meet a nice girl who'd wear that for me."