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May 1, 1999.

Happy Beltaine, everybody.

I got hacked yesterday. If you're receiving this via the mailing list, then you know.

I think it went like this: first my Hotmail account was breached. There are quite a few ways to hack into Hotmail, as evinced by all the webpages you can find containing useful information on the topic. After that, all they needed to do was send a request to Geocities for a forgotten password. Locked both, end of story.

My splash page has been altered to "I feel so stupid...I bet your kicking yourself right now!! - Your Webmaster." What I find most insulting is the misuse of the word "your" for "you're."

I hoped that it was somebody I knew playing a prank. That way, somebody would've laughed at me, I could've chewed them out, and everything would go back to normal. I must confess, I thought it was Paris, as my password was connected to his interests in literature. But no dice. Which leaves a suspect list of almost everybody. Both Hotmail and Geocities are not responding to my email.

Life is grand.

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