may 13, 2001.

I got so damn productive yesterday that I plumb forgot to write an entry. In between tidying the house, making lasagna, buying groceries, mending clothes and re-designing webpages I didn't have all that much to say anyway. Except: I spent the whole day tidying the house, making lasagna, etc.


Today I read from Scripture for the second time. You may remember that the last time I tried this; I ended up reading from the largely-unused King James Version. At least this time I got the version right. But once again, fate intervened.

There was a family baptism today, four children between the ages of 6 and 0 who all came from the same family. It was an extremely unusual sight to see one family of so many young children - babies, really - going up for baptism. Especially since the children to parents ratio weighed the odds heavily in favour of mischief. When the 4 year old broke away after her baptism to pound on the untenanted church piano nearby, I wasn't all that surprised. Our church gets a little wild at times, what with the delightful unpredictability of small children and all that implies.

When I got up to read for the second time, the youngest child decided that he'd had enough and began to wail at the top of his lungs. I didn't know what to do: I didn't want to embarrass the parents by drawing further attention to the situation, but it was ludicrous to pretend that the baby wasn't the focus of the congregation's collective attention. He was quite a bit louder than me. So I paused. And then I decided to go on, fighting a losing battle of sound. As I paused for the second time, the father got up with his iron-lunged son and made for the back of the church. I waited until they cleared the door before beginning with the remaining verses:

He will wipe all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain. The old things have disappeared.

- revelations 21 : 4

A wave of laughter swept the room after the first sentence. I found myself in the strange position of trying not to laugh into the mike while I waited for everyone to calm down. There was a renewed chuckle after the second, a smaller wave that soon died out.

Hands down, the most successful Bible reading ever.


The Adventures of Tisiphone's Angels: An idea from 1997 was resurrected this weekend. I cleaned up the layout, added lots of new graphics and formatted Poet's fragmentary tale of high adventure written all these years ago. With Poet's wedding less than a week away, I think of it as a present to my angels; my recognition of how far we've come since we sat around listening to "Dance Me To The End of Love" as Dirk uttered those fatal words about the Book of Kells being stolen.