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March 27, 1999.

Welcome to this edition of IPASOY...coming to you direct from the Grotto's floor! Yes, that's right...all my furniture is gone, and my computer is on a little dolly in the corner. It's all hooked up & stuff so that if I need to start my last essay in the next 4 days I can do that...if I want to spend 5 hours sitting cross-legged & hunching forward. Yeah, right...

(But I'll make that posture sacrifice for you, dear reader.)

So I moved out today. I've been living the nomadic student existence for some time now, and I move twice a year. By now, it can be got through with a minimum of fuss, if I take the proper precautions beforehand. That means getting everything packed before the elite moving corps (my father and first cousin Maurice) even step in the door. To that end, I stayed up till 3 a.m. last night, making sure that everything was taken care of (especially that there was no incriminating boy spoor lying around. I had a bad moment this morning when we were moving the bed out; I saw a pale round yellowish shape on the floor, and hurriedly stepped on it...crunch...and thus I foolishly destroyed the glow-in-the-dark Ginger Spice ring that Javina bought me. D'oh.)

But despite it being the second night in a row of late late nights/early mornings, all the packing paid off. No screaming, no recriminations, no disasters (except for the ring). Now my only problem is getting everything to the new place before the new guys show up 8 hours before my roommate can get her stuff out. Don't want to see that scene, nope nope nope!


Some housekeeping today. The picture of the Boy in the March 18th entry is now fixed. I'm sorry it took so long...I seem to have a mental block about graphics these days. Be less careless! You shout. Yeah, you and every one of my teachers. Anyway.

The second thing is the Bust button on the front page. When I started this page back in November, I was adamant about losing the bloated trappings of my previous journal. My one exception was fake webrings. Now they're creeping up again. I updated my Fen listing instead of deleting it. And now I've gone & listed myself in the Bust magazine Girl Wide Web. It was just too cool to resist. If you read the magazine, you'll know what I mean. They rock. And although some of my fellow sites look really lame, I couldn't help wanting to be part of the girl wide web.


"I've been to that site [Jennicam] twelve times, and I've never seen her with her shirt off."
- ron howard on letterman last night

I think I enjoy Letterman too much for someone of my age and cultural affiliations. It can't be cool to giggle so much during the five minutes I catch a week (right before Southpark, that is). I'm not sure if the Ron Howard comment confirms my fear or merely justifies my attachment.

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