june 9, 2002.

I am now the proud owner of a WWJD bracelet. They were giving them away to the "graduated" Sunday School attendees, and I got one of the leftovers. I plan to give it to Nic, then explain that it's a special punk consciousness bracelet designed to help him with moral dilemmas. Whenever he feels his natural sense of straightedge punk self-righteousness fading, he simply has to look at the bracelet and ask himself "What Would Jello Do?" (Jello, as in Biafra).

Ah, comedy gold.

Other than that, not tremendously satisfying church. Rev. Robyn was very professional with me rather than warm, and my choirmaster ignored me completely. The only thing that restored my spirits was that the service was filled with little vignettes acted by the children. There's something terrifically adorable about a 12-year-old female Jesus going to sit among a group of thieves & whores composed of wide-eyed 5 year-old girls.

3 years ago today: I'm the girl who pissed off a non-profit medieval drama society. Anything's possible.