january 27, 2001.

Oohhhh. I'm extremely logy: the Boy & I just finished stuffing ourselves with Shake n' Bake chicken and a wild rice & broccoli casserole. You know, I'm getting pretty damn good at following recipes. My home ec teacher would be proud.

(Actually, I don't think she remembers me. She's still teaching at my junior high, and she never looked in my direction during last year's volunteering days. I guess I'm not as unforgettable as I'd like to think.)


We've been giving a lot of thought to living in far-flung places lately, now that the education recruiters have arrived in the department to proposition the second-years. It's all terribly intriguing.

option one: far north

Just to get an idea of living expenses, we looked up a couple of newspapers in the Northwest Territories. There's only two online, by the way, and I was extremely amused by this cover story about Hay River's Millenium Baby...born January 8th. The cost of living doesn't seem that encouraging; rents are at Toronto-levels and the market is considerably smaller. No wonder they get a tax credit just for living there.

option two: far east

There's an organization looking for ESL summer school teachers in Taiwan right now that includes airfare, accommodation. Plus, you don't even have to be a certified teacher, let alone a certified ESL instructor. But the ad copy is a little dicey; it promises a guaranteed amount for four weeks with the promise of more money "for any longer stay." Hmmm. Does that mean that I get to choose how long I'm there? Or what?

So, as much as I'd love to have something to say when Stacy discusses her days working for the Yakuza, I think I'm going to pass this one up. My summer may be boring, but if I work around here at least I'll be able to choose the duration of my degradation.


Today we watched Cecil B. Demented, my first John Waters flick. EEEEEEE!!! Fun fun fun! I wish Little Spider was around; she's always squawking about comedies being too predictable and stupid. (Well, she's usually right.) And Cecil is kinda stupid, but in a good way. I enjoyed it all, from Kevin Nealon as Forest Gump to the stampeding mob of porno fans.

"Shhh. Honey knows that no one chooses to be heterosexual..."
-words of wisdom from the satanic make-up artist



in our january 19th edition, we erroneously reported that "springtime in alaska" is johnny cash song. it is, in fact, a johnny horton song. i'm told he died young, so misattributing his song is an added indignity. thanks, scott.

bug & rockets created with a font from lindkvist. pic from a site devoted to Waylon Smithers.