february 19, 2002.

I just made an appointment with a hair studio - my first appointment in 9 months. I've been getting by with sporadic 9 dollar hair dye treatments and letting my hair grow...now I'm back in the cold world of professional beauty. $47?? God, I'm really looking forward to moving back to a place where my girlfriends can dye my hair for me. We tried moving the Boy into the position of First Hairdresser to Rocketbride, but it didn't take: he tried hard, but his hands get all black and he misses spots and dyes my neck a lot. Ceilidh is even worse: without an opposable thumb she can barely manipulate the bottle, and she usually forgets what's going on and wanders away during the waiting period.

To return to the point: $47. In the words of Jay, do you know how much sushi I could buy with forty-seven dollars? Still, if I want decent grad photos, this may be my only chance. I may not get another degree, not at the rate I'm going. Carpe diem, which I believe is more correctly translated to seize the rat tailed comb.

* * *

From the "I'm Still Afraid of Stalkers" Department:

Yesterday I uploaded the humble beginnings of the church webpage to our very own domain. I am hella excited; this is the first domain in which I've ever been in complete control (even though properly speaking it's not mine). I'm also hella proud of myself.

Look: if I give you the webpage address, you have to promise not to stalk me. My real-real name is on it, as well as my hometown. Repeat after me:

I, Further adventures of Rocketbride reader, do solemnly swear that I will not use the information on this church's webpage for the purposes of evil. This includes stalking the web designer, who is still freaked out that a reader looked up her home phone number in 1997. Sworn this day in 2002.

Here you go. My first church website.

I was up very late uploading the site, which brings me to my next point - I'm working harder on my vacation than I do during the school term. The difference is that I'm killing myself with stuff I want to do - church website, cleaning the house, baking, cooking with the Boy...it's all good. I don't feel the need to check the web every 5 minutes to see if someone's having a better life than me - I'm just busy and happy. (Sigh of contentment.)

I'm especially happy with the zucchini bread I baked yesterday afternoon. This is the first solo bread project I've ever embarked upon, and the results are delicious. I have to be very careful that correct and proper sampling of this work does not interfere with my "no snacking" rule. Although, as they said in church last week, "your Lenten vow is not a second chance at a New Year's resolution." Just what I was thinking.

"I once had a dog named Segue. Speaking of dogs..."

And speaking of church, the two of us went to church yesterday to take part in lunchtime Bible study. It was a bitter cold afternoon, swept by an evil wind that took your breath when you weren't looking, and not many people showed up. I think that's an advantage, though. In a small group you can really talk, while in a large group there's this whole instructor/instructed dynamic that I'm not always fond of. The whole point is that the Boy & I haven't been to a proper Bible study since Sunday School, and if we're going to really make a go of this Christianity thing, we should get a little more scholarly about the Book that gives us the title 'People of the Book.'

(Interesting point about angels that relates to that: when asked about the place of angels in our faith, Rev. Robyn pointed out that angels appear to be messengers from God, and if we are truly people of the Book, we have to accept that God sends messages to us.)

Afterwards the Boy & I hung around to fiddle with various computer things. Poor Robyn was so ill-at-ease with the web stuff that it was almost painful to be around her; she's confident and wise and joyful almost all of the time, except when computers come up. Also contributing to her unease were the Boy's mention of the fig tree story and our moving-away news. I know that we'll be back someday, but it's hard to be sure. With the Boy's recent assumption of newsletter-editing duties, we seem to have set ourselves up as the publishing powerblock of the congregation, and when we leave they have to find new people all over again. Not to mention the fact that I absolutely love the community and will think of them every Sunday for years.

We'll be happy to leave many things behind; this just happens to be a sticking point. A painful one, at that.

* * *

1 year ago today: a slick twisted version of it