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Very peaceful day today. Woke up at 8:45, wandered onto campus, saw the doctor, met with my favourite professor, ate a wonderful sandwich and went home to sit still for a good couple of hours. It was heaven.

I'm slowly developing the idea that perhaps my professor doesn't dislike me as much as I had thought. For one thing, she agreed right away to write a letter of reference. And every time I see her these days, we end up chatting about stuff. Last time I was in, I told her about the wedding invitations; this time we talked about the dj. She said that she could only do one dance: the lindy. I was too embarrassed to admit that I had no idea what a lindy kind of song would be. It was enough to imagine her dancing, though.

We also ended up talking about humanity and life in the real world...which I continue to think is for the birds. There's just so much misery...so much bludgeoning insistance on not thinking about an unhappy (albeit secure) lifestyle. It shocks me a bit; mostly because before this year I spent very little time in environments where people were just getting by rather than enjoying their work. I was sheltered by academia - they don't call it the Ivory Tower for nothing, honey. And now that I've been ejected from booky paradise, I can see that "the real world," for the most part, is just lurching along in its accustomed routine. All of which led her to say that the most important thing after a good marriage and beautiful children is to do something you like.

I suppose it's old-fashioned of me to agree so wholeheartedly.

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