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August 26, 1999.

I am a sleepy girl.

Forced myself to get up at 10 a.m. this morning, instead of sleeping the 12 hours that has become my recent habit. Glad I did, too: my agency called with an emergency assignment shortly afterward, and I was rushed to a strange desk to answer calls & check invoices against a master printout. Yes, I do live the life, children, even if my bedroom is no longer across from a gas station & a block from the skankiest goth club in the city.

It was a typical office experience: women to do the paper work, men to wear the suits & make the decisions and a smell of coffee everywhere. And dogs. Two enormous dogs that lay dozing in the VP's office all day. It would have been surreal if the explanation for their presence wasn't so banal.

The office was so quiet that I actually had trouble raising my voice above a whisper by the end of the day. I'm not sure if it was the office atmosphere or my own timidity that strangled my voice; either way, I'll be done this assignment tomorrow & able to speak again.


Used the step workout tape again tonight. It's nice to find something to kill time between birth & death...ooops, I mean, it's a welcome addition to my schedule, since my social life is on life-support. I was supposed to watch girlie movies at the Loft tonight, but my temp assignment killed that pleasant diversion off nicely.

But anyway, I actually managed to finish the beginner portion without straining my knee, unlike last time. I like being all flushed & sweaty & strong...I just wish it didn't take such a commitment to exercise.


I'll be offline again this weekend: I'm off to the post-camp camping trip in some awfully northern location. I wish I was allowed to bring the Boy...I haven't seen him for a whole week, and with our schedules it looks like we won't meet until well-into next month. Droop.

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