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April 14, 1999.

"Taste the whip in love not given lightly..."

I love my apartment when my roommate's not here...I get to play her records & badmouth her furniture...life is grand.


Yesterday I bought a pair of ridiculously exaggerated flares. It's the first new pair of jeans I've bought since Grade 12. Although my pants have been falling to rags, I've put off buying jeans time and time again in the foolish belief that I would lose the freshman 10. Well, today I accepted that it's not going to happen anytime soon, unless I get ebola. So I bought a pair of pants designed for curvy women.

They make me look like a mermaid. My mom was in raptures.

The only problem is that I look much younger than I actually am, as this is the "fashion" in suburbia. A clerk today asked if I was old enough to go to clubs. Somewhere my younger brother is smirking.


I've been sleeping a lot lately. This seems to happen to me at the end of a semester...suddenly I'll be sleeping 11 or 12 hours every night. So that even though I awoke at noon, I was yawning like a fiend by 11 p.m. yesterday. And so it goes today.

I think this is a good thing. Sleeping is not the most productive activity, but it's certainly morally neutral. I can't get up to my evil schemes whilst watching the Boy make out with my friends in a mental alternate reality. So I'm happy.

Speaking of the Boy, we went to see Go yesterday. Fabulous, much better than Swingers...although Swingers has the better soundtrack. See it see it see it see it, if only for the 5 minute Phantom Menace preview. Double-sided lightsabers...gah...I nearly exploded, it was so exciting.


Finally, the time has come (the sorc'ress said) to speak of many things. Of ships and sails and email lists, of cabbages and kings. Yup, time to subscribe, kids. Though why you'd want xtra info on a page that shamelessly rips off bunny divis, I don't know.

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