strange creatures

the eternal host

Throughout the day, Scott had so much fun acting like a host that you'd tink he was the one getting married. But he wasn't. In fact, Scott and I decided long ago that we couldn't marry, thanks to a...certain reluctance on my part to do something. No, you don't need to know, it was all a joke anyway.

phallic symbol of celebration

When Q broke out the cigars, I couldn't resist the chance to look like a bad bride. I didn't just pose with it, either - I smoked it right down. My willingness to impress knows no bounds, even in a big white dress.

'Parker! I want those photos of Doctor Octopus on my desk tomorrow morning...

The Boy likes to call this his
gruff but lovable editor moment.


My fabulous accessories have a tendency to migrate. This boa is a particularily popular traveler; you may have noticed it in a few pictures already. My grandmother bought it for my birthday 10 days previous and I adore it, although I have to admit that it's not the most practical of gifts. We think alike on these issues, though: spectacular garments provide their own reasons for purchase.

In this shot Jack-o mugs for the photographer, knowing how fantastic he really is.

could my mouth be any slacker?!

Those cute loops of hair got pretty damn annoying near the end of the night. Here I'm caught unskewering an eyeball in the lobby as my cousin fixes a shoe. Not the most attractive of shots, but kinda cute.

the end of the night

aleta in the sky with diamonds

The very last song of the night was the execrable William Shatner version of "Mr. Tambourine Man." As the lights came up Captain Kirk wailed his message to the stars and the hardcore survivors danced or cleaned up the hall, according to their level of intoxication and/or feelings of responsibility.

It was then that Scott found the handheld mike.

Cpt. James Tiberius had begun emoting to "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds," which inspired Scott sing a similar song to me. He called it (wait for it) "Aleta in the Sky with Diamonds." He sang this in the fake Scottish brogue that had been creeping steadily into his speech throughout the night, and he just about put me into a headlock to show his affection as I tried to wrest the mike from his iron grip.

This picture was taken earlier. Given the way the night ended, I consider it a chilling taste of what's to come...

who was wearing that boa?