spiffed up (almost ready to rock)

shoeless people

One of the many things about my brother that is both endearing and infuriating is his ability to assume an uniquely idiotic expression for the camera. At least it keeps me from taking myself too seriously. And it keeps most people from realizing how gorgeous he is, which saves me from beating a path through throngs of admirers when he & I meet.

His own take on this picture is that 'it would be great if only he was wearing shoes' (!!) Actually, neither of us are wearing shoes, only you can't tell in my case because of the giant skirt (which is of course designed to hide the solid fuel boosters that power the flight of rocketbride. Or some such.)

wide siblings

This picture has that distinctive "flash used indoors from a distance of 2 feet" look about it. My face is only two shades darker than my dress. The overexposure gives me that distinctive "Betty/Veronica" look, where my nose is only a squiggle horizontal to my mouth.

And so wide! The original is even wider, if you can believe it. Once again, Nic is looking off towards the invisible press cameras to one side. "All of these pictures make you look sort of embarrassed," I said to him recently. "I kind of was," he replied.

girls on the stairs

Welcome to the only shot on the page in which I do not look like an albino.

My mother claims that there aren't enough pictures of Sydney the flower child looking at the camera. I beg to disagree: I think she's at her most interesting when she's not looking at the camera. For instance, this shot: something about her glove amuses her, although exactly what is lost to posterity.

come see the place we paid to visit