august 19, 2000.

6:30 a.m. Wedding is immanent.

Oh. It seems like I blinked and it was my wedding day. I've been trying to sit down in front of the computer for 15 whole minutes at a stretch, but it hasn't panned out. Too much to do. And if I want to keep from panicking, I have to do everything at a steady competent pace, rather than a headlong rush. No time for diary-keeping, Robinson Cruesoe.

Note to self: next time you get married, secure a reporter-sized tape recorder for personal use. This will record your day-to-day ramblings while you do the last-minute mundane tasks that eat up any time you might have for physical writing. Also eliminates guilt of not sharing life with internet. End communication.

(You want panicked? When we got home from the manicure last night, Scout & I were greeted with the sight of my wedding cake cooling on the table - undecorated, untrimmed even. If I hadn't seen my mother pull this off before, I'd be worried. But she seemed happy, so I went to bed.)

I just woke up, due to the deep itch in my legs. Wednesday's waxing is having horrid consequences...ever since yesterday morning, my legs have been distractingly itchy. If I'm thinking about my legs during the vows, someone's going to have to pay.

Note to self: according to scripture, God does not like to be threatened with payback. Take into consideration next time something beyond your control bothers you. End communication.

(Everyone told me to keep the waxing as far from the day as possible. Hmph. I wasn't itchy on Thursday. Shows what they know.)

My goal for today is to remember everything. Everything. My consciousness is to extend over all the proceedings like a zen blanket. See all, process all, develop witty spin on all. Ohmm.

If I could sleep any longer, I'd be doing that in the hopes of nourishing my brain. But I can't. I just hope that wedding day adrenaline will cope. Hmm. Adrenaline is a wonderful thing.

Everyone asks me, "are you nervous?" Not till today, I wasn't.

Well, time for a bowl of cereal. The next time we speak, I may be married. Or I could just be on break from the photos. Find out!

End communication.

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