september 10, 2001.

Today is Scherezade's birthday! Yay! I'm not too sure about this, but I think my gift was supper at Hernando's Hideaway last week. (If you love her, say it with enchiladas.)


I had my 3rd ever pap smear today. I gotta hand it to university doctors: they know their pelvic exams, boy howdy. I was in an out of the stirrups in the time it took to tell the doctor why I was thinking about giving up the pill (and trust me, that's not a very long dissertation). I suppose that when your working Septembers are filled with a parade of girls who have suddenly developed "menstrual problems," you get used to performing the no-frills quick cervix check-up.

(For the record, he didn't seem too concerned with my birth control pill waffling. It's funny, but as soon as you say that you're married, the tension level in the room goes down noticeably. But while he correctly postulated that with 8 more months of the degree program to go I don't need to be too worried about surprise pregnancies, maybe he was able to remain calm because I decided to keep mum about the Boy's decision to incur even greater levels of student debt over the next three years. I know people who have finished degrees while birthing and raising young children, and while I admire them greatly, I have no wish to put the Boy into that situation. Because one of us has to work. And it's probably going to be the one qualified for a unionized career.)


(the foyer, after class. FLOWER wanders past AMORET on the way out the door)


You've died your hair!

(grins, reaches out & touches it)


Yup! And I didn't cut it once this summer.


Oh, so you're letting it grow long, like a pony.

AMORET (giggles)


(pause, during which FLOWER turns & leaves)

(it dawns) I have no idea what that means.


this time last year: pioneer journeys