And the Thanksgorging fun continues!

Had a really excellent dinner yesterday: turkey, squash, potatoes, stuffing, apple pie, the whole 9 ½ yards. Mom did most of the cooking, although the Boy & I assisted in a sous-chef capacity. Even Dad helped -- at first he was blinded to the culinary fun by the football game, but when the game was pre-empted by the bombing of Afghanistan he started slicing apples for the pie. Now that I think about it, it was pretty amazing that we could fit all of us into the kitchen without a single squabble. It's not a very big kitchen, you know.

And the best part of hosting Thanksgiving continues to be the abundance of happy leftovers for days to come! This is the way to fly...


We've managed to fit in some really excellent tourist sites into this trip. (As a self-conscious Ontarian I try to fit in by pronouncing it "tore-ist"). On Saturday we jumped in the car first thing in the morning & drove out to Brier Island for a whale watching tour. Unfortunately, by the time we got there the company had decided to bow to the weather & cancel the tours for the day. It was a pretty wild day, I have to admit -- strong cold winds, high violent waves, grey thundery skies. The rain, when it came, was impressive & dangerous, so I had no beef with the decision to cancel. Instead we wandered down to Seal Cove ('seals guaranteed!') & watched little seal heads bob up & down in the surf until it was time to go home. Given a choice in the matter I'd rather've seen whales, or even seal bodies basking on the rocks at low tide, but it was still amazing to know that only a trifling amount of freezing, heaving water separated me from real, honest-to-goodness seals. It wasn't a zoo! It was real life! And it was pretty amazing.

The other new site we sighted this weekend was the much-vaunted Peggy's Cove. Although we live as close to the Cove as to Halifax, we haven't visited it yet. (That's the great thing about house guests -- you have to show them all the fantastic sites that you don't have time to get to in a normal day.) I liked it very much, even though there were no seals.

the lighthouse at peggy's cove -- so pretty that any shot could be used in a calendar.


thanks to my dad for the digital camera shots...although this project is secret, i'm sure he feels my gratitude.


this time 4 years ago: showing off my bra to good advantage