march 4, 2002.

Academically, today has been a disaster. Emotionally it's been pretty good. Let me explain:

I have two essays due today. Well, actually I had an essay due on Friday and an essay due today, but I had nothing done on Thursday so I asked very nicely if I could hand in the Friday paper later... so I had two essays due today. And I wrote one yesterday in and around the six hour power outage, so that was okay. But the other one, the long scholarly paper, remains a dream and a riddle and a mystery.

Translation: I have yet to write one blessed word.

I honestly don't know what's wrong with me. I feel the same manic joy that I glimpsed in Cranly's eyes the night I saw him fake an entire term's Reading Response Journal in one night. I feel the insane hot holy laughter that possesses one when one is flirting with disaster. Disaster tells really good jokes, you know. Sometimes I do too.

In terms of my personal life, though, things are better than good. I am really enjoying this space between pressures, this period of time before I have to take up the mantle of school marm once more. It makes my time with the Boy all the more relaxing. He seems funnier these days or maybe I'm just more open to the humour.

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I found out why I can't take communion against the wishes of the clergy anymore. (Transubstantiation, that is.) This pretty much knocks me from the lists of my favourite Catholic sport, i.e. Let's Bait the Intolerant Local Priest! (This is, of course, a game entirely predicated on the feelings of a particular priest and not a comment directed at Priests In General). I also need to ask Preacher if I can participate in his Communion anymore. Although there is a part of me that wants to prank, I think it's about time that I started acting respectfully. So now you know WWWWSTD (What the World's Worst Student Teach Would Do)...or at least you know what she intends.

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1 year ago today: Harry Potter and the Cauldron of Soup