march 19, 2001.

Nothing but work today. Got up at 8:30, by 9:15 I was writing. My first paper was done at 10 a.m. It took me the rest of the day to finish the next assignment: 5 textbook chapters, 15 questions each. Now I can start on Wednesday's big assignment, type type type until I drop from cranky exhaustion. In terms of academics, I'm living 2 days into the future. In terms of hygiene, I'm unfortunately still living in last Saturday.

there is a light that never goes out...

Got an email from Poet this morning, and the glowing letters blasted me with both barrels of the famous Poet charm. I was reeling in my kitchen chair, honest to God. I haven't felt the full power of his personality since early 1997...and it was like no time at all had passed in the meantime, no tears, no anger, no silence, no cross-Canada moves, no marriage. I nearly offered to buy him a sandwich at Fung, which in any case would fit in with my general program of festering.

Yes, I am a little stir crazy.

angel voices are ringing in his head...

Still no word on the summer job situation and the position I applied for at the university, although we did get an invitation to Poet's May wedding. But I need to know my hours before we book our flight, da doo ron ron ron da doo ron ron.


And that, as they say, is that.