If we'd been on the ball at all, we'd have realized that it wasn't a terribly smart idea to stay out late at a goth club the night before a morning train ride. We were tired, sore, hungry, disoriented & woefully unprepared for the ride. If Ian hadn't booked the same train, I'm not sure how we would've arrived in Montreal.

Ian: also tired & hungry, but reasonably happy & excited. He'd spent the night before shaking his moneymaker with such literary luminaries as Denis Lee and Michael Ondaantje, and was full of amusing observations. (Sometimes I think ruefully of the boy who constantly fell asleep during Narrative class, and I have to try really hard not to be jealous of Ian's current life.)

We spent a great deal of time reflecting on the shortcomings of Episode 2 and planning an Episode even slower than the first two. Our movie revolves around Darth Vader setting up his office: sitting in an ergonomic chair, paging his secretary for office supplies ("I need paperclips,") and instituting morale-raising workplace programs like funny hat day. We became downright hysterical picturing Vader with a cowboy hat on his helmet, strangling a non-compliant co-worker. "Your lack of hat...disturbs me."

Later we concluded that we might've remained tired & sullen on our way to Montreal if it weren't for Ian. He got our vacation off to a good start, and every time I see that photobooth picture, I remember & smile.