july 28, 2002.

Another day spent in service to the computer. I seem to be no farther ahead on my transcribing; 8 more pages in the trip journal, not to mention a healthy chunk of StanFest awaits conversion to pixels. Yargh. The way things are going, this entry might see daylight in a week. Still, it's so nice have a working computer that I really shouldn't complain. So I won't. Much.

As predicted, the gypsy caravan is narrowing and becoming a little less fun. Tonight I spoke to Valgarth, who is moving back tomorrow rather than waiting another 3 weeks. We still get to load his stuff, though, so it's not a total loss. *smirk*

Yesterday night, as I was pegging away at the transcription, I got an indignant phone call from Miri.

"You're back in town?!"

"Well, yeah."

"Come over right now! We're having a big party and there's veggieburgers, so I hope you haven't eaten."

"Um, what should I wear?"

"Whatever is comfortable. Uh...go goth! Yeah!"

Powerless in the face of her raw enthusiasm, I soon found myself digging out the outfit I wore to the Garden last Saturday (it still smelt like it, btw). I did the classic goth face, with only black eyeliner on my lips & lids and a little bit of Cyber lipstick over top for lustre. When Miri saw me, she burst into peals of laughter. "I do what I'm told," I said as she hugged hello.

It was a really neat party. I didn't know more than 3 people, but everyone was friendly and the wine flowed, so I didn't feel too out of it. Miri & other denizens of the Brown House had spent the afternoon hanging fabric and placing candles all around the beautiful back garden in anticipation of the night. It was one of the most beautiful parties I've ever been too, if only for the paperbag lanterns along the path to the front and the chalk portraits of all the guests. I only left when I realized that I would need to be carried home if I lingered longer.

Today was another beautiful Sunday in the depopulated bucolic wonderland known as Wolfvegas. Despite our late bedtime, we made it out to the church to catch a ride to the second service of the day. I hadn't realized how much I missed the anchor of church. It holds my week together. And afterwards we went to lunch with Gabriel and Rev Robyn, which is something that I've only fantasized about. Brilliant food, cool breezes, gentle mocking of dumb X-ianity and as many queer/S&M stories as can fit in a hour's conversation. Rev Robyn is talking of having us to dinner before we leave for once and for all.

Life is so good.

3 years ago today: orange juice Jesus