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February 22, 1999.

"'Coz on you my tattoo will be bleeding..."

- "the wild ones"

I neglected to mention that yesterday marks the 2nd anniversary of my disfigurement. Happy birthday, rose tattoo. Opinion is still divided as to whether you're a good idea or not. But I don't care if what they say is true, cause you got me, and baby, I got you...

I think I need a new mutilation. Obviously I'm too attached to this one for my own good.


Spoke to Saint Stephen today in Diabolos about life, love and web diaries. Now that a handful of r**l people know where it is, I've started in on the weary rounds of debate. Agamemnon doesn't like his description and says I've misspelt "kareoke." (He's prolly right about that.) Dirk seldom lets a mention of his name go by without insisting on some trifling correction. Scherezade took time out of her busy elephant-fact-gathering schedule to point out the loophole in my otherwise impervious security (I never noticed before that "impervious" contains the word "pervy." I shouldn't've taken 2 extra strength aspirin with Kraft Dinner and an iron supplement if this sort of thinking is a direct result.)

I sound angrier than I actually am - for some reason, I've been on the edge today. My internal monologue has ceased to be - "hey, I wonder if I'll look like that when I'm old...boas! Like furry fruit...sunlight sunlight sunlight...I'm hungry" and has become "get out of my way bitch...I want to go home...shut up shut up shut up!" and the like. Stupid Monday after stupid Reading Week. Grr.

But back to my original point. I was talking to Saint Stephen today about the last little while. Most of his conversation was about his bitter, single Valentine's Day and his inability to hook up with other bitter single guys to express his contempt for the holiday. I had nothing to contribute, as I spent my Valentine's Day being happy. Then Judith joined us, confiding that like St. Steve, she'd spent the entire week sick as a dog. She also broke up with her boyfriend three days before Fireball, so she was not a big Valentine's fan either. The whole conversation fit in well with the rest of my week, as both Little Spider and Morgan have recently broken up with their SO's.

As Stacy once said, "sometimes I feel vaguely guilty that my life is going well."

If I had a point to the previous, I've long since forgotten it. Maybe it's simple wonder that most everyone's life is turning into a shitstorm, but not mine; that a huge amount of bitrex (the bitterest substance known to man) is making the rounds and I'm not on the guest list. That seems unlikely at best. Oh well. As Dirk says, "I was on my train of thought, but then I looked out the window."

What a horrible entry thus far. And I have nothing else, so it's going to stay like this. Damn.


Oh yeah. In the interest of pure vanity, I've installed a NedStat clicker. No, the counter isn't enough for my megalomania! I need all the love I can get, people. Please visit accordingly.

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