february 13, 2001.

Tonight, on the way to the evening panel discussion that my professor so thoughtfully scheduled during the busiest week of the year, I slipped on the ice and fell on my bottom. I think this pretty much typifies my week so far.

Bright side: I didn't actually fracture my coccyx. It's an interesting story. It's a reason for being late.

Down side: My read end hurts. I snarled at the panellist who tried to make a joke out of my late arrival. My rear end hurts. The meeting took up so much time that I'll be working late into the night to get tomorrow's presentation ready.

Did I mention that my rear end hurts? Yeah, I thought so.


This project has been robbing me of sleep & sanity. I'm so deep into it now that I can't even imagine a time that I wasn't developing activities on Medieval Europe to fit a Grade 10 History curriculum. But I can assume that it was a happier time in the days before THE PROJECT.

In the meantime, my art teacher made enough pointed remarks in front of the entire class as to discourage me from doing a final project on Ceilidh. She said, in essence, 'why should I care about your stupid cat?' This is not the way I want my biggest mark to be calculated, that's for sure. With all my energy going towards THE PROJECT, I'm in no mood to convince her that my idea it subtle and meritorious. Instead I'll just do one on female mutilation - that should be serious enough for her.

(Hmph. I'll show you who should care. I'll give you something that entirely lacks subtlety - you'll choke on relevance like a hairball. Mwah!)