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December 19, 1999.

Very sleepy. This afternoon I'm suffering from too much down time at work, too much non-participatory church & too much fried chicken. It all makes me very tired.


Sarah & Leo's party was very nice, thank you for asking. As advertised, it was a night of good food, good drink & lots of good silliness. And as an added bonus, there was a baby. A young couple had dressed their year old son in a snazzy sweater-vest & brought him to the party. And lucky for me, I managed to grab a hold of him for fifteen non-cranky minutes. Bliss. His presence also meant a couple of breast feeding sessions in the living room, which made me pause a bit. I didn't know it was going to be that kind of party.

Highlights (other than functional naked breasts) included Sarah singing, which is something I've been curious to hear for a little while...I figured her opera degree must mean something. And sure enough, her voice is something.

Really Sleeps Malibu Stacy showed up fashionably late with baby doll eyelashes, a sequined purse, and a quiet watchful look in the corners of her gaze. A boy that looked remarkably like my ex-boyfriend was asking everyone very familiar questions, but I didn't really mind. After being introduced to the Boy, he turned to me and asked if I knew him. I suppose it was a reasonable assumption, as the Boy was kneeling on the floor and I had one foot resting on his thigh in a conqueror pose (conqueror in a velour dress, dig it). It was fun having such lines handed to me.

"So, do you know [this Boy]?"
"He's my fiancé."

Gomer was also fashionably late, and beheld the immensely gratifying spectacle of a line of women forming, each waiting their turn to hug him. It's the kind of welcome everyone dreams about in their sulkier moments, and it was fun to watch.

Dav wanted to know if I'd been writing about him recently. "B knew that I don't like Nick Cave," he said. He's already warned me that I'm not getting a piece of the Dav official merchandise, now that I've made him into a celebrity both in my grade 6 class and beyond. But I bear no grudges. Instead I quizzed him on the purity of his affection & compared him to an organism with a single multipurpose orifice. And then we repeated our routines for those not lucky enough to be a direct party to the hilarity. We're like a conceptual piece of art, only funny.

I left quite early, as I'd promised to attend church this morning, and was lucky enough to have my brother pick me up downtown...thus eliminating the need to make conversation with creepy old guys on the late night subway. The party was just hitting its stride as I left, weighed down with two chocolate martinis, a domestic beer and a snifter of eggnog best described as "spiked glue." Dozed off in the car, dreaming of pajamas with built in feet. And then home.


I found Squirrel Bait again, after about a year. Yay! It's nice when people come back from long absences bearing spices, silks, or at the very least, over a dozen new entries.

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