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December 11, 1998.

This is true. Listen...

In times past, the people used to hope for the end of the world. Get this mortal coil out of the way, you know. One of the signs of the immanent Apocalypse was held to be the Conversion of the Jews...so some people would try to hasten Judgement by bringing Jews into their houses to feed and entertain them, in the hopes that they would be able to convert them.

It was possible to get a pretty good living out of this, and some did.

"Uh, yeah, that baptism stuff is starting to get through...can I get more white meat?"


Well, I've been slowly getting the word out. Should be a few more numbers on that lil ole counter tomorrow. Yeah, I really shouldn't care, but I do. I like the affirmation, okay?

I guess the trick is not to get eaten alive by the online diary bullshit. I prolly shouldn't've joined the extra webrings, but I couldn't resist. Then I found out who's lurking in the dark entries list, as we wait for enough people to register with webring & make it a proper phenom.

I may get depressed, but at least I try to entertain myself. Sheesh.

Wanna know my secret? Lame announcements.

Like yesterday, when I changed out of the CSG outfit into the clean remnants of my wardrobe. I like to call this phase the "Lack of Dress Sense: the high-school years!" Long sweatshirts from Canary Island, cable knit sweaters...you know, a desperate attempt to find myself through prep. Thank god it didn't take. But reflecting on this makes me smile, and announcing it as I pull the clothes from the cupboard makes it easier to deal with. You know?

Yesterday Professor Silber brought in a bunch of photocopies to hand out for the next semester. Just armloads of stuff, which he then arranged in neat rows of piles on the desk before him. And when I handed in my essay, he muttered to himself (in his deep, resonant professor-voice), "put it down behind the ramparts of Fort Silber." I thought it was hilarious, but I can't make anybody else see the joke.

It's dumb hyperbolic announcements that get me through the day, kids. That and diet coke.


Um, I'm tired. I guess you picked that up from the meandering text of the last section, but I should state it for the record. I went to bed early last night, as I had the Guatemalan Insanity Test this morning in Romantic class (differs form ordinary tests in its intensity & invulnerability to ordinary student bullshit). At one in the morning or so, the people upstairs decided to turn up the teevee really loud...or they started having a scripted crisis. I didn't do too well on the test. You might say that it was because I only studied for 45 minutes, but I know in my heart that it was the other tenants' fault.

They must die.

"I just want to slap her until she shuts up. I guess girls aren't supposed to feel that way, huh?"

- discussing a woman in my greek drama class whilst in conversation with wilson & lucas late this morning