In the Year of Our Lord 2003,
How I wish I were in Ein-Stein's now!
When a call from Preacher told us to be,
At the holiest wedding we'd ever see

God bless them both! I was told
We'd see them wed with bands of gold
We'd go out west, drink some beer
But it's a foolish bride who shows no fear
At the horde of Preacher's privateers!

Oh Reverend Russel cried the earth, How...
For two brave men to be his grooms
Who'd drank with him in a hundred rooms

But the co-best man had a sickening choice, How...
His wife was pregnant & it was his fear,
That she'd birth alone in pain & tears.

On Dirk's birthday Poet gave his word, How...
"You may think I'm a loutish boor,
But I can't leave her in Kuala Lumpur."

On the following day, Preacher asked his bride, How...
"I fear my mind's in a terrible whirl,
But why can't a groomsman be a girl?"

"But the Boy is a mighty jealous man, How...
If I put Tisiphone on Team Groom
He'll vomit once more in your bathroom."

Then at length the parties were agreed, How...
The loss of Poet made an awful hole,
But Dirk would expand to fill his role.

So here we stand in our fanciest clothes, How...
It's been three years since we flew away
But it's like we were in Edmonton yesterday!
(final chorus)