august 6, 2002.

What I found out today:

  • My website is the 3,172,362th most popular place on the web. I personally can't believe that there are more than three million better sites than this one, but numbers don't lie. Except, of course, when they do.

  • Two days ago I upgraded my free hit counter, having finally accepted the fact that I was never going to be able to transfer my old counter due to one too many email switcheroos. We did okay, almost 36,000 hits before the end, but the vague threats about not supporting the code made me antsy.

    The new counter has lots of little gubbins, my favourite being the How tab, which lists the sites that led to mine. Through this delightfully narcissistic exercise I've discovered two new sites that link mine: Bunt Sign (fellow English major) and Lucid Awakenings (bride-to-be). Since I've never heard from these no-doubt wonderful folks, their links were a nice surprise. And here I thought that the site was dying a slow death...

I finally finished the church website last night. It's funny; most of what I've been doing in the last few days was tinkering. Changing this link, adding that caption, centring those tables...certainly not a lot of new content. There's going to be a photo directory next fall and most current pictures have been routed to that committee, leaving me with strange event pictures from years before I arrived. Oh well. I guess I shouldn't complain...I did take almost a year to return many of the photos. It's not like I've been a model of efficiency as a resource girl.

Still, it kind of stings to know that I'm not leaving the best document possible.

In our ongoing campaign to figure out ways to continue good living habits we've started in Nova, I've been researching next year's project: backyard composting. I think that worm composting is my best bet, but the problem is that I don't garden and have no use for the compost generated. Gomorrah's starting a pilot compost pick-up program to the west of us, but there are no dates listed that will tell us when this program is moving to Torque. So do I build a big box in the backyard or a little box in my kitchen? Quandary.

The other problem is that I'm not a very good housekeeper, and an indoor compost heap just might stink up the joint and thus kill any plans to entertain friends in Mount Olympus (our future apartment). Also, my landlord Peter may object to a big smelly project on the second floor of a five-occupant house.

3 more shopping days.